I’m excited to announce the first new Blue Static product in 13 years!
Mailpopbox is an email server that helps provide
anonymity by accepting email to any account at the domain (i.e. a catch-all wildcard). All messages
are delivered to a single mailbox, from which your email client downloads all the messages.
This is version 2.0.1, which you may find surprising for an “initial release.” I’ve been running
Mailpopbox myself for more than three years, adding features and fixing bugs. So it has been fairly
well-tested in production, and I decided it was finally time to release it.
Mailpopbox is also the first product to use GitHub for issue
tracking, rather than Bugdar. I’m doing this as an experiment, so we’ll see how that goes. Pull requests are welcome
via GitHub too, though the repository source of truth will remain self-hosted here on Blue Static.
You can download Mailpopbox 2.0.1 and read more on the product page.