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Archive for the ‘Commander’ tag

Pipeline Update

Posted on October 16, 2008 at 17:53 UTC, filed under the category Uncategorized. Tags: Bugdar, Commander, iD3, MacGDBp, NewzGrab, pipeline,

It’s been a while since I discussed pipelines, so I’m going to talk in this post about the state of various projects, as well as some talk on new projects!



Released this summer, MacGDBp has been a tremendous success. This week version 1.1.2 was released, which address two bugs, one of which was a crasher. I’ve got big plans for version 1.2 and 1.3, but these will have to wait for other projects to be completed.


In my last pipeline update, I mentioned the CMS I was building for my university’s TV station. This project launched only two weeks ago, so the past month and a half I’ve been working feverishly to get this done. It’s now complete and so this will no longer be affecting development.


Bugdar 2

The first milestone in Bugdar 2’s development phases was completed a few weeks ago. Since then, not much has happened because all of my effort went to deploying the aforementioned CMS. However, work will be resuming on phase 2 and development will be continuing. This week I went through the Blue Static bug tracker and triaged a bunch of bugs that had been left unresolved.


I’ve started working on this project in the past few days. As stated in the previous pipeline posts, this is a Usenet downloader for NZB files. However, I’m writing this as a cross-platform application. Most of the code is being written using C++ and Boost, which allows it to be platform-portable. I intend to then create native interfaces for various platforms (initially, only the Mac one will be created).


This project is mostly complete. A few interfaces need to be updated and created, but on the whole this is largely done. I haven’t actively worked on this in a few months, and I consider it to be one of my lower priorities.



I realized the other day that the Mac lacks a good, free ID3 tag editor. I quickly found id3lib and wrote a simple Mac interface for it. Version 1.0 will be released in a few days, but will be very minimal. I intend to add more features (and more tags to edit) in the future, but the necessary fields will all be present in v1.0.


This is the project I’m most excited about. It’ll be a unique take on launchers (e.g. QuickSilver, Butler, LaunchBar) that is for pro-users only. I won’t be going into the details until I have something to show, but this will be one awesome app!