Blue Static

And So It Begins…

Posted on May 6, 2006 at 21:38 UTC, filed under the category Bugdar.

I’ve finished my AP and SATII exams for a few weeks (which had been previously occupying a significant amount of my time) so now I can really get working on Bugdar.

At the moment, nothing exciting is happening except back-end changes. I’m cleaning up the code quite a bit using the ISSO2 API system, which removes a lot of the insert/update database logic. These APIs will also make it possible to write converters for Bugdar, Mantis, etc. so that those users can switch! Also, APIs will allow customizations to be made much easier (if you’d ever need to change the Bugdar code..?).

I can’t wait to start cracking on the new features, but of course, major back-end changes should be done first to make adding the new features easier.