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Special german letters
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November 8, 2006 11:18 AM
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November 8, 2006 11:18 AM mohamedb

when I type in special german letters like ü in the summery or description the sentence is choped. Is that a DB problem?

mohamed b.

November 9, 2006 04:48 AM Robert
It may be. Check your MySQL table settings and make sure they match the character set of your language (which is probably utf-8). It may be set at Latin 1 which is probably why this is happening because I know other people who are running internationalized boards with Hebrew, Chinese, and even other German languages and they do not have this problem. It appears to have worked here because your umlauts came out here without your message being truncated.

November 9, 2006 12:53 PM mohamedb
thanks for your quick response. as far as I see my DB and my language setting in bugdar are set to UTF-8. Never the less it doesn't work...
PS: On this board I used HTML-Code & u uml ; . That's propably the reason, why it worked here.

mohamed b.

November 10, 2006 04:03 AM Robert
Do you know what character set your keyboard/OS combo is inputting? For instance, do you not usually use utf-8 but rather an ISO standard?

Also, can you check the MySQL tables to see if it's being truncated in the query or if it's a result of PHP?

On October 14, 2008 02:20 PM, Robert changed: