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July 7, 2008 04:09 PM
DK Takeshi
When running the installed, receive the following error upon creation of database tables.
» Query:
bugid int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
userid int unsigned NOT NULL,
dateline bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
product int unsigned NOT NULL,
component int unsigned NOT NULL,
version int unsigned NOT NULL,
summary varchar(255) NOT NULL,
priority int unsigned NOT NULL,
severity int unsigned NOT NULL,
status int unsigned NOT NULL,
resolution int unsigned NOT NULL,
assignedto int unsigned NOT NULL,
duplicateof int unsigned NOT NULL,
dependency text NOT NULL,
hidden smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
initialreport int unsigned NOT NULL,
lastposttime bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
lastpostby int unsigned NOT NULL,
hiddenlastposttime int unsigned NOT NULL,
hiddenlastpostby int unsigned NOT NULL,
username varchar(255) NOT NULL,
lastpostbyname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
hiddenlastpostbyname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (bugid),
FULLTEXT KEY summary (summary)
» Error Number: 1214
» Error Message: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
» Additional Notes: Invalid SQL query
» File: /install/install.php
» Query:
bugid int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
userid int unsigned NOT NULL,
dateline bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
product int unsigned NOT NULL,
component int unsigned NOT NULL,
version int unsigned NOT NULL,
summary varchar(255) NOT NULL,
priority int unsigned NOT NULL,
severity int unsigned NOT NULL,
status int unsigned NOT NULL,
resolution int unsigned NOT NULL,
assignedto int unsigned NOT NULL,
duplicateof int unsigned NOT NULL,
dependency text NOT NULL,
hidden smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
initialreport int unsigned NOT NULL,
lastposttime bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
lastpostby int unsigned NOT NULL,
hiddenlastposttime int unsigned NOT NULL,
hiddenlastpostby int unsigned NOT NULL,
username varchar(255) NOT NULL,
lastpostbyname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
hiddenlastpostbyname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (bugid),
FULLTEXT KEY summary (summary)
» Error Number: 1214
» Error Message: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
» Additional Notes: Invalid SQL query
» File: /install/install.php
July 14, 2008 06:47 PM
Try changing your MySQL database to use MyISAM tables rather than InnoDB. The installer doesn't explicitly set them, but there is an option to change the default for a database.
January 15, 2009 12:16 PM
why is this unconfirmed? and why don't alter the CREATE TABLE statement to:
FULLTEXT KEY summary (summary)
? it would be much more compatible.
FULLTEXT KEY summary (summary)
? it would be much more compatible.
February 3, 2009 12:52 AM
The same here.
I can confirm the bug as well as pooh's suggested solution.
I can confirm the bug as well as pooh's suggested solution.