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Bugdar / 1.0.1
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Help Not Rebuilt for Custom Fields
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March 14, 2006 02:06 AM
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patch.diff Fix for the problem
For: 0 (0%)
Against: 0 (0%)
Total: 0

March 14, 2006 02:06 AM Robert
When you create a new custom field and there's a description, the help bubble doesn't appear on the listing page. This is probably because the help cache wasn't rebuilt. You can apparently fix this problem by going to Admin --> Edit User Help --> [Save].

March 14, 2006 02:07 AM Robert
I have attached the diff of the fix for this problem.

On March 14, 2006 02:07 AM, Robert changed:
On March 14, 2006 02:14 AM, Robert changed: