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David Gasperoni
MacGDBp / 1.5
Status ?
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Duplicate Of ?
- none -
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Mstone ?
Summary ?
Property list has duplicate sub-properties
Report Time ?
June 1, 2015 08:52 PM
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- none -
Mstone (old) ?

For: 1 (100%)
Against: 0 (0%)
Total: 1

June 1, 2015 08:52 PM David Gasperoni
Version 1.5 (108.10)
OS X 10.10.3, stock Apache/2.4.10, PHP 5.6.9 (brew) with Xdebug v2.3.2 (brew).

On a common connection, for example under the property $_SERVER, when clicking the disclosing triangle, you can find at least two sets of duplicate lines. If you inspected $_SERVER with the variable inspector, everything is correct, only one set of properties, but in the main list, many duplicates appear.

December 14, 2018 11:57 PM outis
In some circumstances, `property_get` is issued multiple times for a single object. `VariableNode -setChildrenFromXMLChildren:` adds the results of each command, even if already present.

September 4, 2019 02:54 PM Robert
This is fixed in master/2.0.

On September 4, 2019 02:54 PM, Robert changed: