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Sven Axelsson
MacGDBp / 1.3.0
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No way to distinguish global and local variables
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May 20, 2009 08:16 AM
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May 20, 2009 08:16 AM Sven Axelsson
It is generally convenient that the GLOBALS superglobal is expanded together with local varables, but this leaves no way of distinguishing the two. How about also showing GLOBALS as an expandable tree node in the variable list?

May 20, 2009 12:38 PM Sven Axelsson
It also looks like globals added by assigning directly to $GLOBALS never get displayed.

July 22, 2009 03:17 AM Robert
This may be an upstream issue with Xdebug itself. Currently, I'm merging the the variables of the two different "contexts" (which are only Superglobals and Locals, according to the result) that are returned:

2009-07-21 23:05:34.309 MacGDBp[59263:10b] --> context_names -d 0
2009-07-21 23:05:34.310 MacGDBp[59263:10b] <-- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><response xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="http://xdebug.org/dbgp/xdebug" command="context_names" transaction_id="macgdbp"><context name="Locals" id="0"></context><context name="Superglobals" id="1"></context></response>

The Superglobals context only holds the _POST/_GET/_COOKIE arrays and Locals holds everything else, which means I can't really do anything about this unless Xdebug changes.

On July 22, 2009 03:17 AM, Robert changed: